About Adeeb-Online

With the decline of publishing industry and increase in electronic books, we aim to provide the largest Urdu Literature platform in the world that will provide an elevation to the economy of Urdu and will create value for the Urdu Writers as well as Publishers through unique partnership features.

Our Mission

To successfully develop, launch, maintain and expand the Urdu web portal and mobile application that is built on highest quality standards providing true reading pleasure to Urdu literature lovers and generating value for our partners.


Access to large free Urdu books for all registered users, including copyright contents authorized by respective publishers, as well as copyright free contents.

Membership Packages

Various membership packages to select from (for premium contents).

Maintain Own Library

Maintain your own library by adding/deleting books of your choice.


Bookmark while reading to continue later or to highlight important details.

Friend Requests

Maintain your own social circle by sending/receiving friend requests.

Suggest Friends

Suggests a book to your friend(s).

Order Book

Order physical copy of any available title or request an unavailable title.

Recommend Books

Request/recommend books you would like to have in our library.

Feedback & Rating

Provide your feedback and rating for a book you have read.


Below are few snapshots to excite you to see the product once it comes online.

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